8. His Holiness Ho Phap
Preached at the Holy See at night 4th June. Ky Suu year (Buffalo year)
Tonight, I preach the Secret Dharma concerned with the Material Dharma. Clearly, the Tao law has a relation to the Life law.
Do we see that the Creation Mechanism of Universe is the SUPREME BEING’s mechanism to serve all living beings? The true dharma is not changed.
I have preached that theory already. I say land must sacrifice itself to serve plants. These plants must sacrifice to serve animals, it certainly means to sacrifice for animal’s life that the human is greatest among animals, and there is not any different thing.
Therefore, the old law forces animals in serving human with limitation for human’s life. For that reason of misunderstand toward that true dharma, the humankind eats meat.
We observe the next level that human must sacrifice to serve the GOD. All of you may perhaps remember the old law of Antiquity, when sacrificing to the GOD, people have killed the human for the sacrifice. They have burnt as animals. The people have remained that rule in a very long time. When using the human body for sacrifices to SUPREME BEING, If I understand this replied on Religious History, that rules were remaining for 40,000 years. We think that there were too many human lives sacrificed to SUPREME BEING. In recent time, about 6,000 years ago for Jacob dynasty and for Religious Law of Hébreu belonging certanly the Israel Law, which forces to kill human life to sacrifice to the GOD. That law has been perhaps remaining until now.
Does SUPREME BEING require that? No! I surely say “no” because HE creates All Beings by HIMSELF, HE does as a slave for All Beings and serves All Beings. Should he have requied humankind to be a sacrifice for HIM?
We always see the law of serving for All Beings from animal to human.
We observe that life of Bees, Termites, the Chief bee actually serves the most. Because of the Chief, it must work many services, must bear as a race to bear forever as people before 150 thousand years and previous time. The Dharma in Buddhism has handed over that Chiefs of races named “Ma-Nu” in Pali works as the way of Bees, Termites. The Chief Bee serves the most in a termitary as the Chief Bee itself bears race.
We observe a society of state organization of human in a country. It certainly forms a politic nation in a framework of national institution, in a charter under that law. If that law is carried out, there must have a state organization. In a state organization, the King must serve all Civils. Only He cannot serve all Civils, the state organization needs to be founded from Prime Minister to lowest mandarins. The politics of a state are behalf of image of King to serve Civils only.
We observe animals like a Chief Termite, a Chief Bee, they are also chiefs to serve in founding a state organization so that they have a way to serve them. The King does the same in founding the state organization to change his body into thousand and million bodies to serve all Civils. The Chief Termite does the same.
The SUPREME BEING serves All Beings in Universe, what does he use? HE serves All Beings by applying the Life, by apply All Beings to serve All Beings.
We know SUPREME BEING nourishes plants, animals to serve people. HE uses that basic point to serve for Earth as the King replies on Civils in founding a state organization to serve Civils. Nowadays, SUPREME BEING comes to found the Caodaism in order to serve all human beings of this 68th globe, what must he do? HE must also reply on human to serve HIM. HE must reply on human as HIS Holy Body to found HIS state organization. We observe and see that SUPREME BEING comes to found a Religion, if the Religions is found, a Sacerdotal Council must be founded to serve All Beings on the 68th globe. We have seen the power already, which is founded as a service law. Because of that service, HE does as a Chief Bee. Because of service, that Bee is a Chief. Due to his service, the King is a King. Due to service for All Beings, SUPREME BEING is the GOD.
HE ought to found a Sacerdotal Council, it certainly means to found HIS Holy Body. HIS state organization is HIS Holy Body without any strange thing. If HE wants the Sacerdotal Council to hold power in governing to serve All Beings, HE ought to found a state organization with position ranks of Deity, Saint, Immortal, Buddha. HE founds the Holy Body in that way. For that reason, we the Holy Body of SUPREME BEING certainly named the Sacerdotal Council with full positions of Deity, Saint, Immortal, Buddha on the earth.
Nothing of thing we pray, wish or work are not paid and compensated because HE has replied on us for being HIS Holy Body to serve All Beings. Thus, HE must pay and compensate everything. If we want other people to follow us, we must create positions so that they follow us.
The SUPREME BEING comes to sign the treaty with humankind for foremost Vietnam race: you serve as MY Holy Body so that I serve All Beings, I will establish positions of Deity, Saint, Immortal, Buddha for you. If you agree it, sign the treaty with ME, then if you serve MY children as a slave as I wish or as determine, I will pay positions for you. In that Holy Body, I have determined positions of Deity, Saint, Immortal, Buddha in advance so that you can obtain those position on this earth. When return to the invisible world, I cannot refute anything, in contrary, I sometimes pay more, what you have ever served All Beings on this earth.
9. His Holiness Ho Phap
Preached at the Holy See at night, 8th Jun. Ky Suu year (Buffalo year)
Tonight, before I preach the relation between the true doctrine, Secret Dharma of Caodaism and the Material Dharma, I want to repeat an essential point for everyone to remember to follow the true path.
In that Moral spirit, it shows the true doctrine of Universe to humanity for existing essentially on this earth in order to serve All Beings and also to preach for All Beings.
The service is to preach for All Beings. Actually, the true dharma effects on decision of the real fate of humankind by serving only. If we do not serve, we are certainly Immoral. The Immorality never reaches for deliverance.
I clearly show the correlate of earth law to essentially reply on “Four Truths” named Four Things of Misery so that people of all Nations, Societies may have ways to support humankind’s spirit or all people in the nation to create their positions.
In reality, it is said that: “They have found the Religions to serve people, what way do they go on? They use the deliverance spirit of the Tao, in fact they do not serve National Civils, but create their power only. It certainly means that they do not act due to the purpose of deliverance for misery, but they set up their power firmly. However, our Religion named Caodaism is different from that.
Our Religion forces us to determine our fate for releasing misery. It means to do how to save all living beings from the “Four Truths” named Four things of Misery of people’s life. Those two spirits in any invisible action are opposite. For that reason, the Tao and Life never have a concord. I say that the Religion does not contend with the Life, but only create the Tao to determine fate of people.
Other theory with conception: Religion contends for their power. In contrary, we can see it normally, as the Sakyamuni Buddha returned the Royal Palace Himself with power, His father competed for that power himself. For the power, the most difficult thing for solving is for humankind’s spirit, all of your may know that the Religion must serve human beings. Therefore, in any way, the Life makes people dazzled only to seduce people. It is not same to the Religion with a theory of serving.
Accordingly, it leads a play of competition.
Well! Now, I explain clearly the reason of serving to deliver misery, it certainly means to settle “Four Truths” put on this earth of Sakyamuni Buddha.
I preach all Secret Dharma of Tao concerning the Material Dharma, then all of you think about a thing I have forced you to come to attend ceremonies, to serve the Religion. I never obtain any personal interest when force you to attend ceremonies. Due to the duty, I want SUPREME BEING’s children to create the deliverance mechanism, I ought to force you to attend ceremonies strictly so.
In fact, in the true doctrine, people on this earth have three things:
1. Coming to this earth to pay karma.
2. Coming to learn more, to want to evolve greater about our weak spirit position. Coming here to learn.
3. Superior Spirits with sublime positions in the World of Eternal Life come here to make their thrones greater.
In order to obtain those three points, we must serve All Beings. I interpret for children of SUPREME BEING to see that SUPREME BEING does not use HIS Supreme power. HE comes to establishes power for HIS children only, but not to come to establish power to protect HIS children. HE never lets SUPREME BEING’s children abuse power.
The deliverance mechanism is the service in spite of karma to come, in spite of coming to learn, in spite of establishing throne. We must serve All Beings. For that service, we do not know where we have ever got karma and lender. However due to service, we can meet the persons that we need to pay the crimes of previous lives. No one knows whether SUPREME BEING’s favour helps us see the true persons for us to pay depts. In general, we must serve to have everything we want.
Now, about learning, what do we want? We want to know everything for Creation mysterious mechanism. There is only one way of serving All Beings if we want to see thoroughly. When serving, we will be understood for necessary things to establish position and no thing is better than being representatives the SUPREME BEING to serve All Beings. People cannot have any way to deny that method of establishing position.
In order to do as SUPREME BEING has ever done, what do we need to do? HE asks us to offer our three precious things named Three Gems.
- Carnal body
- Mind
- Soul
It certainly means that SUPREME BEING asks us to offer HIM the carnal body to serve All Beings.
What do we see? Everyday, I kindly call SUPREME BEING, Three Religions to be granted that at this time, I pray that I offer my whole body, mind, soul to the MASTER as a tool to serve All Beings. After offering, there is no thing left, belonging to us, there is just previous karma without creation. If we have caused but we now enter and sit in hands of SUPREME BEING as standing in HIS Holy Body, we will not need to know anything because we have offered our body to SUPREME BEING, we cannot control our body any more except for SUPREME BEING.
One day, we can say that: everything I have done, created had been offered to GREAT MERCY FATHER with judgment authority in YOUR hands, I know nothing.
We offer our carnal body to HIM to use for HIS purpose. If there is something unlucky for us, we do not understand and we offer whole body to SUPREME BEING so that SUPREME BEING serves All Beings. That authority of use is replied on SUPREME BEING’s decision, we must not do contrary to the law determined by HIM.
Actually, everyday from morning to afternoon, from afternoon to mid-night, from mid-night to morning, we enter the Holy See to kindly call SUPREME BEING, Three Religions, and Divine Superiors to be granted in advance. Our body has not been belonged to us any more, I have offered to SUPREME BEING as a slave for All Beings to be on behalf of SUPREME BEING. At that time, we will not know anything about crime we have caused or even I have got crimes but we do not cause crime any more, that karma will be destroyed. We may obtain the deliverance mechanism without any obstacle. SUPREME BEING asks that we should be us. If we were not us, that karma would not belong to us. It certainly means that we have obtained the deliverance mechanism. That authority is really our authority, which does not belong to SUPREME BEING. We take our authority to give us. We have determined our authority but HE has not determined. HE only determines authority of deliverance named Divine authority. We create the authority of deliverance in our hands by ourselves.
10. His Holiness Ho Phap
Preached at the Holy See at night 11th Jun. Ky Suu year (Buffalo year)
Tonight, I continue to preach the relation between the Material Dharma and Secret Dharma of Caodaism before I preach the reason why SUPREME BEING founds the material forms to create Religion.
Tonight, I interpret for you to understand meaning of Holy Body clearly. Why does HE take Three Gems inside our body to make a Holy Body? Three Gems is one unified by three things as the Universe creates three powers of Buddha, Dharma, Living Beings. It means three people, however those three people are one. That is just SUPREME BEING only.
- The first people are us belonging to material substance certainly named our body.
- The second one is the perisprit belonging to our mind or dharmakaya. That Dharmakaya is appeared from Kim Ban (Golden Basin of Mother Buddha). It is really born by MOTHER BUDDHA.
- The third people are the soul also named our divine body born by SUPREME BEING. Those three Gems are unified to be a person. Our divine body was defined already by theory of Buddhism in India , it means that the Sakyamuni Buddha proved clearly the material substance including three people and He named original substance (Égo) which is our real body. When spreading to the Mahayana (prevalent in China , Japan , Taiwan , Korea , Vietnam , Mongolia , India , Tibet and Nepal ), they obviously followed the Confucianism. The Confucianism did not have its name, then they named that divine body as a Heart. The Heart was named for divine body. That heart is an image of Origin Conscience.
If an object is created on this earth under the Tao framework, named as our Origin Conscience with out material form. Therefore, the Heart is used to hint it. Actually, the heart in Mahayana of Buddhism shows our Divine Body certainly named as our soul created by SUPREME BEING. We are sustaining three people in our body. When forming a body with an appearance on this earth already, we may see that we have three knots of debt.
The debt for our body born by our parents is the first debt we need pay. If we could leave the earth on path of establishing divine position to enter the Divine gate of Eternal Life with our three knots of original debt, who would let us enter the gate? We must pay all debts in order to enter it.
Due to that reason, SUPREME BEING asks us to serve All Beings to pay the debt of carnal body certainly named as debt of blood. Is it valid or invalid for us when we accept that debt? We consider its validity because we received a drop of Blood and Sperm from our mother and father while our parents had received the blood from previous persons. In a same way, a drop of Blood, a drop of Sperm appeared a carnal body. Our parents had received from our Ancestors, then that drop of Blood and Sperm has been creating heredity for us. What we have received must be paid by us. If we pay, we will be very miserable. If we deny that debt, our parents must pay it.
When our parents bear us, whom do we reply on to live? Who do we reply on to become a good man? Whom do we reply on to exist? We are born on this earth due to society and all people. We ought to eat to live and our carnal body can keep the drop of Blood and Sperm for heredity. Whenever those debts are paid enough for society and people, we may return to Divine World of Eternal Life. In fact, our Ancestor and we have debts, therefore we must pay those debts. In order to pay those, we must serve human beings of society. SUPREME BEING considers the most fact, therefore HE has founded this merit school. There is only one way of making merits in Caodai gate, we can pay all debts.
Now, I interpret why there is a merit school at this period. That school is for us to create our merits, then to take those merits to pay debts of blood. In addition, that paying blood debt is to pay for debt of human beings of society.
To adore Ancestors and Parents is from the Tao of Humanity. We receive the blood debt, certainly we must make merits to pay that blood debt.
For a long time, we always see that human beings still deny debts in a society, willy-nilly they evade all debts. Consequently, SUPREME BEING has taught that: you must pay debts borrowed before. HIS teaching is really for all living beings because HIS Innate Character has determined our payment with a method taught by HIM to pay that debt. We only serve all living beings. That is the reason why HE founded the Caodai. After paying the debt of human beings of society, we still have two knots of debt left that we must pay: debt from the person creating our perisprit, which is the MOTHER creating our mahayana, who is MOTHER BUDDHA.
Nowadays, SUPREME BEING comes to admit HIS children. SUPREME BEING asks MOTHER BUDDHA “you are a lender, you must recover the debt, call people to come to you to pay that debt to you, do not let them be in debt that they can not be delivered”. HE comes to found a Religion and admit us as children. HIS children have a lender named as MOTHER BUDDHA. Therefore, we must pay debt and adore the MOTHER BUDDHA. We kowtow MOTHER BUDDHA and also pray to offer our carnal body, perisprit, soul to HER such as a medium to found the Tao as we pray to SUPREME BEING. The way we pay debt to SUPREME BEING is same to the way we pay debt to MOTHER BUDDHA.
The third debt is: the debt to SUPREME BEING. HE gives HIS soul to us. It certainly means that we are created by HIM. Our Divine Nature is more mysterious than all beings because there is a GOD nature inside.
I explain that: this animal has the GOD inside. HE accompanied to live with it. There is the GOD in that Divine Nature. However, in order to pay to SUPREME BEING born by One of HIS Soul, we must do as HE has done to succeed HIS work. For us, we never determine THEIR payment (SUPREME BEING and MOTHER BUDDHA). HIS actions cause the impact purely, it certainly means to sacrifice All Beings to serve All Beings. We ought to learn from HIM about the character that HE has done to serve All Beings in front of us without any method to deny. We are in debt for One Soul, to pay it, we must do as HE. In order to pay to All Beings, HE is a slave of All Beings. We still see that we want to pay to HIM, we must be a slave of All Beings as HE have done. We must become a Master of All Beings as HE has been a Master of All Beings.
After paying three knots of debt, on the time of life to return the Divine World of Eternal Life, we can enter the Paradise that no one grabs at us because have paid those debts already. We must pay to have to enter the door.
11. His Holiness Ho Phap
Preached at the Holy See at night on 18th Jun. Ky Suu year (Buffalo year)
Before I preach the true doctrine of Secret Dharma of Caodaism, I want to conclude the contrary of the Dharma and Material Dharma. It means the contrary between the Religion and Life. That contrary is not from the Constitutive Element of All Beings but also from the Constitutive Element of all living beings. That Constitutive Element in our body shakes and appears out.
I need to preach about this carnal body to analyze via the philosophy, via no secret. Our carnal body on this globe is appeared due to cause of desire. It means that Seven feelings contain the last feeling, which is basic feeling contrary to other feelings. The Sexual desire essentially controls its trend only.
We observe among All Beings divided into two parts of soul: Minor Soul and Great Soul. The Minor Soul has three ranks with the Most Minor: Material Soul, Plant Soul and Animal Soul belonging to Minor Soul.
The Human Soul has Minor and Great Soul, the sexual desire certainly determines it. It wants to be Minor or Great, it replies on it.
Great Souls are Deity, Saint, Immortal, Buddha appointing all Beings. We observe that our body has the Spirit and Animal. Consequently, the theory of Seven feelings control us. We want to be a Buddha or an Animal, we can do by ourselves because of decision of sexual desire. We observe the fight happening in our body, in our origin nature, Buddha fights against animal, animal fights against Buddha.
There are two situations of Life and Tao. The Tao trends to Buddha, Life trends to Animal. Two mutually contrary factors occur the contrary between Spiritualism and Materialism. The sexual desire controls us, therefore if we want to be a Buddha, we can carry out it. If we want to follow Buddha to set up our position, Great Soul helps us do it. In contrary, that sexual desire wants to follow group of Minor Soul. The nature inside impacts on the path, which does not only reply on us. We see All Beings with two special paths with no way to deny them. In that way, the mutually contrary relation of Life and Tao occurs from our individual to society. We can have no way to imagine the contrary in humankind. For long time, toward establishing a throne of Buddha, the Sakyamuni Buddha had not been able to solve it too. We wonder if SUPREME BEING comes at this time with an effective method. The problem must be solved, HE comes to reveal the fact of Buddha and Animal to present it clearly. For HIS children, HE asks to use wisdom, to use bright wisdom as a medium to reply on the Origin Soul as a basic path.
If we want to determine the throne of Buddha for us, to be a Buddha for us, the Buddha is available for us. We want to be an animal, it is easier. HE reveals two separate paths so that HIS children can determine their path. For the mutually contrary of society on this earth, that play makes its form great. We do not see because we have not paid attention. In order to study the truth, it is very clear without any strangeness.
Nowadays, humankind are in seriously miserable situation leading to their final point wit no way of solving because the Buddha point spirit is weak but the Animal point is strong, cruel. The Buddhism spreaded on this earth is certainly unavailable now. When the Religion has no power left, that animal lives without law. It can run, do everything it wants. If we do not control it with moral framework, not to have determine our fate, it certainly conducts to the death path without any strangeness.
Consequently, SUPREME BEING comes to call all human beings to reveal the present path of death. We ought to be wise to stop to determine our fate under our moral framework. The Secret Dharma preached by Me is not different from purpose of revealing a path so that you know value of individual, you know yourself. If a Prince, a child of a King becomes a King as a Venerated throne and he does know the future value of a Lord for people, he will be only a vile Civil. If he follows a wanton life, a relaxed character, he will not be a worthy King. We must know our position status, then to carry out our work under our law framework. Those are true doctrine, Secret Dharma.
Whenever, SUPREME BEING’s children know way to obtain the Dharma, know to determine their fate for them, know their throne, know their value that is the time that the security order in the Divine door of Eternal Life is put on this earth by SUPREME BEING. Certainly, its real value is in the Caodai gate.
At this time, we may see a chaotic play and people think about Caodaism with Monks, Powwows, Sorcery Persons and they think that everyone wants to say freely. Therefore, sects of Caodaism have the audacity create Heresy…If they knew, they would not dare to do, because they misunderstood their appearance, now the destroyed and kill situations happen to them. If they continue to go ahead, no real body can exist any more.
In reality, I have said clearly that there is an important issue: It does not make sense if I only interpret the true doctrine, Secret Dharma for you. What favour do you have to receive it severally?
From now on, If I preach it, I will only preach on the first day and fifteenth day of lunar month. If you attend ceremony many times, I will do. In contrary, there is no more in any case. Moreover, If SUPREME BEING’s children are still lazy to attend ceremonies, you will only enter the meditation house to know. I will not preach any more.
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